PHNOM PENH: The Anti-Drug Department cracked down on three people in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok and Chamkar Mon districts for the possession of over 102 kilos of drugs and paraphernalia.
Two Chinese people and one Cambodian were arrested on August 7, and then photographed behind the seized contraband, which included many packs of vitamin C powder potentially used to cut their supply. The first arrest was of a woman at the Jelly Lake Hotel on Street 345, while the other two male suspects were later arrested at the corner of Streets 508 and 97 in the Chamkar Mon district.
The Anti-Drug Department also asked the members of the public and media to receive approval before posting the department’s activities to social media. Apparently journalists and members of the public had filmed the police in the process of the drug bust, which tipped off the masterminds and other suspects of the operation, allowing them to flee.
The department went on to thank the public for their contribution to the government’s “3 Do, 1 Report” campaign, which encourages people to relay information to the police about drug offences.